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Reunited Love

© Justin Germino

Seeing her picture in our high school yearbook
I couldn’t help myself, I just had to look

Now I was motivated more than ever
To pick up the phone and just call her

But how would she be, after all these years
Would she be married, I uncovered my fears

I dialed the phone, my nerves beyond instability
Amazed that my fingers worked and had the agility

My skin felt sunburnt as my blood rushed
At first just silence, her voice was hushed

Like a wolf howling at the moon in accompaniment
Shaking, I could barely contain my excitement

With a perspicacity that was astounding
I could hear her audibly remembering

She was pleasantly shocked alright
But she agreed to meet me tonight

I waited now with chocolate and flowers
Just passing the time, counting the hours

I rush to the place where we set to meet
Moving so fast I nearly tripped over my feet

My heart stopped, she looked like a princess
And all I wanted to do was give her a kiss

When she saw me, a most delightful smile appeared
A frog in my throat, my greeting came out weird

With a gesture that was obsequiousness
I shook her hand with a lingering caress

I knew then that for the rest of my life
From morning to twilight she would be my wife


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