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Have you ever heard the quote ''I was blind- but now I can see''? Well...This saying is what best describes my inspiration for this poem! Before I met my husband I had been engaged twice, was sexually and physically abused and suffered depression! And for all of this I am grateful. Why? you ask, well...Because...I have come to realize- my past has made me who I am today and is also what brought my husband & I together! I wrote this poem for my husband on our first date"

You + Me = Us

© Yandinna Marie Smyth

You are my first thought of every morning
and my last of every night,
You are the safety in my darkness
and the brightness in my light,

Your face is sheer perfection
your kisses a delight,
Your looks make me want you more
you are just a perfect sight,

I only hope you love me
as much as I love you,
''Cause you and I we're meant to be
as One instead of Two!


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 4.02