Love Life Poems Logo

To the woman I love, and what happened after she said hello.

Because You Said Hello

© Martin Pijanowski

Because you said hello
My heart has been opened,
To accept a love from someone I adore.
My soul have has been awakened,
By a light it has never seen before.

Because you said hello
I can share a life once relegated to loneliness,
Dreams once reserved to fantasy,
Thoughts once shared by no one,
But finally embraced between you and me.

Because you said hello
I have a partner in life,
Someone which to share our strife.
I have a soul mate to desire,
Someone whose love will not tire.

Because you said hello
I have found a woman,
That I did not think existed.
A woman so beyond belief,
That only a movie could have depicted.

Because you said hello
I once again feel alive,
Feeling joy and bliss,
And feel a love for the first time,
I thought did not exist.


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 3.86