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A Fairytale Romance

© Paul Hughes

Little Bo Peep had lost her sheep
and so couldn’t meet me for dinner.
I dated Snow White, but try as I might,
nothing I did worked to win her.
Gretel, sweet petal, she munched on my house,
it made her so terribly sick.
I think she’d have made quite a wonderful spouse.
She choked on a fragment of brick!
Then Cinderella ran off with some fella,
I haven’t heard word of her since.
The ugliest sister said if I would kiss her,
she’d give me the name of the Prince.
I tried to hook up with Rapunzel
It’s obvious she didn’t care.
It’s simply no use, she just made the excuse,
every night, she was washing her hair.
I thought I was doomed to be lonely,
condemned to be always alone;
my love life a tale of “if onlys”
it chilled me right down to the bone.
But Goldilocks came to my rescue.
I’ll ask her to wed me, tonight.
She’ll not break my heart like the rest do.
She’s beautiful, perfect, “just right!”


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