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There is such thing as love at first sight. Many don't believe it but its' true. And don't be surprised if it happens to you!

In Love With A Stranger

© Aneli

It didn't take long to realize how it would be
so tender, so real, just the guy for me
he grabbed my hand and took me by surprise
he looked into my eyes like no other guy
he saw my soul, he heard my heart
I knew we had it since the start
I tried to find at least one flaw
but it didn't work, he had it all
he looked into my eyes and that was my weakness
he stared some more and left me speechless
he touched my face
and everything seemed to have fallen in its place
I didn't know but it happened to be
that I was in love with a stranger to me
but yet it felt like I knew him from the start
because his eyes shined through the dark
I fell in love with a stranger I had only met
yet a stranger I will never forget


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 3.58