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this poem is about a girl who's falling in love for the second time after her heartbreaking first breakup. It describes how she feels regarding her second step in love and her fear that whether it would turn up like her first love mishap.

Falling In Love, Again......

I'd closed my heart and told myself ''not to love'',
you knocked the door and I opened it up,
I didn't know what to think or do,
I just knew that I want to be with you.

Scared that someone might hurt me again,
promise me of his love and then leave me in pain,
even then I let you in my life,
to love you till the end of my life.

I always had a dream in mind,
to be loved and to love someone,
I've fallen once in this crime,
but I don't wanna fail this time.

People don't know how much it hurts,
to lose a person you were with,
to lose all your dreams and your hopes,
to realize one day your love was a myth.

So now again ''I am in love'',
to be with you when you've none,
but just remember my plea......
you make me alive,
you make me, me...
I've loved you with all my heart,
from this serene dream, I never wanna part,
never ever say that you'll leave me again,
coz without you I am reminded of the desolate fall;
and without you, I am nothing;
Nothing At All.........


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Published: November 2010

Rating: 3.53