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It's about a girl who is falling in love with her male friend, the things they do and his words says the guy feels the same way but his action says something else. so the girl is so confused she wants clarity from this guy

Your Smile Brought Confirmation Of Lifetime

© Amanda Madyosi

It draws me close to your heart
Creates picture which makes no sense
All I know is………..
Your smile brought confirmation of lifetime

You are a friend …
And your friendship takes me to a different world
Of harmony and love
Where your smile confirms it all

I look deep in my heart , searching my soul
Trying to figure out, how did I get here?
Is it safe to be here?

I ponder my emotions , frustrating my soul
Trying to figure out what's in my head than what's in my heart
Once again your smile confirms it

Your actions says something else
But your smile confirms life time
Only if I could read your mind
If only you could stop smiling
As your smile confirms life time ………


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 3.57