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These words were not enough for me....the person I loved and adored so much, turned out not to be worth them. We had been through a lot....ultimately it was not meant to be. 500 characters is not enough to tell the whole story....just know the overall story is a sad one. I thought I could save her....I guess I wasn't supposed to. I wanted to give her the world...I guess now I can give this to the world. Share this only with those you hold dear to you....and love them like you would no other.

A Promise

© Christopher Gage

I promise my love, to always be here for you
To always be your light when all else grows dark
To always be your guide when you lose your way
To always be your reminder when you lose all hope
I promise my love, to always be here for you

I promise my love, I will never leave your side
You will never wonder where I am
I will always be there when you reach for me
I will always be here when you need me
I promise my love, I will never leave your side

I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am
I will always kiss you when you least expect it
Always look upon you, even when you don't know it
Never give up on you, even if you give up on me
I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am

I promise my love, that I will be everything you need
I will be your shoulder to cry on
I will be your pillar to lean on
I will be your soul mate, now and forever
I promise my love, that I will be everything you need

I promise my love, that I will be loyal to you
Loyal in the times you don't want me
Loyal in the times you don't need me
Loyal in the times you need to be away from me
I promise my love, that I will be loyal to you

I promise my love, that I will love you always
No matter how hard it gets
No matter how lost we become
No matter how far we drift apart
I promise my love, that I will love you always


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Published: November 2010

Rating: 4.02