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The other party, always wonder if they are getting all the love from that special one and are they the only one in your life, this poem shows how much of my love you are getting and the depth of my love to you.

To You, I Give All Of Me!

© David Yearwood

To you I give, all of me,
For I believe, you're my destiny.
To you I offer, the best of my heart,
for I believe, you will value it.

I want to share my life with you,
for me to show, my love is true.
I want to hold you in my arms,
Showing you, how love truly feels.

Loving you, is what I want to do,
although I know, we are apart.
Tears in my eyes, you can take away,
If I'm with you, that's all I care.

For that, to you, I give all of me!


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Published: September 2011

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