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I was headed down a bad road and needed to change but I didn't know how. she taught and saved me with her love and friendship . And I will do the same for her now that she needs me.

Never Stop

© Jay Pulinka

If I could take your pain I would.
Stand strong for you like I should.
I would be your rock, your mountain, your wall.
Catch you everytime you started to fall.
Bring you joy and happiness and steal the hurt within.
But your guard is always up you never let me in.
Your pain is mine and I wish you could see.
The people who have hurt you now have hurt me.
I'm not asking you to forgive or forget.
But know in me you bring out the best.
I'm there for you cause that's what I do.
Maybe someday you will know my feelings are true.
Your smile lights up a room but your eyes are filled with pain.
Why hold on to the agony? What is there to gain?
With us all I can do is pray.
That all of your bad memories don't get in our way.
You saved me from my demons and I promise this is true.
And now I'm locking horns with your past to try and save you
Just know I'm here for you and my heart is yours.
Your all I think about and all I adore.
I've been waiting for you my whole life and now you're here.
The woman of my dreams but she's filled with fear.
I will help you through this put you back on top.
You are my Heart , My Passion and fighting for you


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 4.3