Love Life Poems Logo

I'm a young Published Author who wanted to write a poem about the love that everyone should be blessed with.

Us Against Everything Else

© April

When I look into your eyes the only word that comes to mind is love.
The beauty of your look, the warmth of your touch and the comfort in your voice tells me that I am cared for, your arms wrapped around me fill me with the assurance that I'm protected.
The idea that no matter how I look on a off day or when I wake up in the morning, you tell me how beautiful I am.
The butterflies you give me with every kiss, makes my heart beat faster as I don't want to move from against your body.
The look in your eyes when you stare at me with no words spoken tells me everything I want to know.
Your heart speaks to me louder everyday, making sure I hear it's music of love.
You are the first thing I think of when I wake up when I should be thinking about work, you are last thing I think of before I go to bed when I should be thinking about what I have to do for the next day, and you are the only thing I dream of when I'm to tired to think.
You are always on my mind giving me the want to just smile.
You are the reason why I can say I'm happy, and be honest about it.
You give me more than I can ever express.
I thank you for allowing me in your heart, but most of all I Love You!


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 3.9