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Hope and Faith Love Poems

Hope and Faith Love

Poems about Trust and Love

Faith is believing in something you can't see. Love requires a lot of faith. These days infidelity is rife and, frankly, this makes love much more risky than in ages past. But does it stop us? Not at all. We keep on believing in love. We keep hoping that true love, lasting love, can still be found. Once we have found someone to spend our life with, we must still trust. We must trust that the most intimate details about ourselves are safe with them. We trust that they will care for our delicate heart, taking care never to wound or break it. How sweet it is too, when the passing of time proves to us that our faith was not unfounded.

23 Hope and Faith Love Poems - Is it True Lasting Love?

By Jay Pulinka

I was headed down a bad road and needed to change but I didn't know how. she taught and saved me with her love and friendship . And I will do the same for her now that she needs me.

If I could take your pain I would.
Stand strong for you like I should.
I would be your rock, your mountain, your wall.
Catch you everytime you started to fall.
Bring you joy and happiness and steal the hurt within.
But your guard is always up you never let me in.
Your pain is mine and I wish you could see.
The people who have hurt you now have hurt me.
I'm not asking you to forgive or forget.
But know in me you bring out the best.
I'm there for you cause that's what I do.
Maybe someday you will know my feelings are true.
Your smile lights up a room but your eyes are filled with pain.
Why hold on to the agony? What is there to gain?
With us all I can do is pray.
That all of your bad memories don't get in our way.
You saved me from my demons and I promise this is true.
And now I'm locking horns with your past to try and save you
Just know I'm here for you and my heart is yours.
Your all I think about and all I adore.
I've been waiting for you my whole life and now you're here.
The woman of my dreams but she's filled with fear.
I will help you through this put you back on top.
You are my Heart , My Passion and fighting for you

By Mary Jane Long

This poem I wrote in honor of Jim, my twin flame, my one true love I was destined to meet. Even at 60, love arrives to those who believe.

The Cedar Waxwings
take flight in early spring
from parts unknown
descending on my Mulberry tree
out back
near my bedroom door
feeding greedily on nectared berries
hanging in abundance.

You, my love, took flight
in the late autumn
of our lives
to find me.
Feed greedily now
on the sweetness
of my love
willingly offered.
Be nourished.
Be well.
But, unlike the tender
transient birds,
I beg of you
on my branches.

By Bianca Santamaria

I have known this man for several years now and when we first met we were both in serious relationships during the course of time we parted from our relationships and tried to date but somewhere in there something went wrong. We gave it a second chance and I am so happy we did because I never imagined how happy he would make me.

Every time I look at you, I can’t help but wonder,
Why I couldn’t have known you when I was a bit younger.

I guess good things come with time,
I never thought you would ever be mine.

The first day our eyes met,
We both knew it was not the right time just yet.

I did not get to see you for a while,
But you had me with just one smile.

Who would have ever guessed, I was ever going feel this way,
It was just the other day I could not figure out if I wanted to stay.

Every time you hold me tight,
I know everything is going to be alright.

No matter how far apart we might be,
I know your thoughts include me.

You complete me in every way,
And I pray to God you never go away.

By Jason Wischerman

I am 22 years old and I have found the most amazing girl and I am so thankful for her everyday we are together. I love her so much and would do nothing to risk what we have she is my everything my one and only

You're my one and only
I wasn't complete without you
God put you in my life for a reason
To help me get through

He knew just how special you are
And knew I'd fall in love with you
He knows no matter what the circumstances are
We can make this last between us two

Your my one and only
And I'll forever stay by your side
I'll be your sunshine on a rainy day
I'll wipe the tears away when you cry

I'll be the one to pick you up
Whenever you may fall
Be the one guy you can truly count on
I'll be the one guy to give you my all

You're my one and only
The one I give my heart to
I know whenever I'm down and out
I can run to you

I'd be sure to always put a smile on your face
When all you want to do is frown
I'd be sure to always help you get up
Whenever you start to get down

It took me almost half my life
Searching for a special girl like you
Now that I have got you in my life
Losing you is something I wouldn't and couldn't do

You're my one and only
And I love you, heart and soul
You will forever be in my heart
And I will never let you go

By Nancy Levin

This poem was originally published in the book "Writing For My Life...Reclaiming the Lost Pieces of Me", by Nancy Levin. It is published here with the permission of the poet.

we may never know
how we hold
all we can
or how the light catches us
when we are out of breath

it’s a sign of healing
to be feeling again

the real breakthrough
can only arise
from heartbreak

that which ails
reminding us
that it’s always about beginning
and then beginning again

as the waves crash me
I trust the sand
to polish my edges smooth
dissolving denial
revealing real while
courage and confidence
ignite my core

contraction and expansion
let the light stream in
and the stillness
after so much thrashing about
allows the body to wring
the sorrow out

as freedom floods
shadows may persist
know your undertow
as you alchemize the dark
and remember
that you always have
the strength to choose
how to engage

the clouds unveil the view
when you are ready to climb
now it’s time to notice
the miraculous moments
in your life
as they are happening

is the making
of me
and we will walk
into daybreak
from the night
shining our light

By Sasha Richarda

I wrote this poem after realizing that I cared for a lover more than I'd like to admit. But after seeing how I react whenever my phone vibrates (hoping it's that person) I decided to tell it.

I feel butterflies
Floating inside
Whenever my phone vibrates
My mind whispers your name
Then it’s revealed as you
And my heart does the same
But instead of whispering it screams
I hope this isn’t a fantasy
Yet I’m thankful that instead of a nightmare it’s a dream
I cannot wait to feel the genuine ecstasy
I’m waiting for you to move me like you’d promised
The minute I leave you, it’s you I miss
We should engage in more passionate kiss-es
I want you to express more affection toward me
So I’d be able to hold on with a tight fist

By Misty Latham

My name is Misty as you can see I am a single parent with two wonderful kids I've been married once which wasn't the best. It took me a long time to get out of the abusive marriage I guess I never had the guts to just get up and leave on my own with two little babies. It took until the middle of 2009 when I met the most amazing person in my life who stood by my side and guided me through it all telling me everything would be OK I'm so grateful for him I just wish he knew.

This past year My life has changed
I've met a Man whose name I will not say
The pride and joy you've given me
is more then any women could of asked for.

Times are hard, that's much is clear
But isn't Love and Honesty what you asked for?

Please take the time and don't let go
This whole situation is more then
we both bargained for!

Just give it some time and things will get better
trust in your heart and to me
I hope is where you return.

By Mette

I wrote this for my lover, as it is apparent in this poem. It is about the tribulations and good moments that follow in a relationship. I describe how we used to dream, and still do, about our future together.

Oh, how we fly!
Our dreams so high!
Whispered in passion,
Promises that ashen.

But we try.
Oh, how we try!
After all it's love,
That we're most proud of

And we've cried.
Oh, yes, we've cried!
Such miserable memory
To be overcome by we

And we've feared.
Oh, the fears we feared!
Reckless affection
Brings a deadly affliction.

And we've loved.
How strongly we loved!
Secret desires,
Burn a lustful pyre.

And we hope.
Oh, how we hope!
Together someday
No love to decay

By Sanjay Badhan

Things are very dark in my life. Except for when this person is there, who came out of nowhere and making me question everything, in a nice way. She's amazing.

She's something new
Something sweet, caring and true.
She's a fresh ray of light
A moon in my dark night.

I wish I could hold her close
In my mind she plays the most.
I would travel a million miles
Just to see her beautiful smile.

Her presence is like an angel
She makes me feel stable.
Inside me is full of dark
But now she has made a mark.

She makes me feel different
No anger, just ambience.
If I was to ever open my heart
It would be through the hole from her love dart.

By Samantha Schock

Basically I'm sitting in a graveyard depressed from all the things that has happened in my life. Then the love of my life comes to rescue me

I'm standing alone, watching my dreams fly by
All my hopes and dreams shattered like stain steel glass

I sit alone in the moonlit graveyard
My soul lost and shaking, as if in fear
I hear a faint call upon the distance
I look up, and wipe my misty tears

The moonlight shines beyond the ivy hill
There he stands, waiting, waiting for my misty tears to go

For the moonlight shines way beyond my reach
There he will stand, waiting for me

As a shadow of mist takes me by the hand
A glimpse of hope seeks to find me
There, he reaches out for me

As I stand, in his arms
My fears melt into his hands
As he comforts me, I smile
My memories sink in harmony

Gazing into his gentle blue eyes
Soothing my soul with a gentle kiss

A peaceful silence settles me in his arms
He grasps me with his cherished hold
Wishing me not to go

A faint whisper echoes in his ear
"I will never go "

A smile comes upon his face
His grasp willfully wisps me away

His gentle kiss tenders me to sleep
While his gentle voice sings to me

In my sleep I whisper
"I love you"
"Don't let me go"

-dedicated to Kyle Longron-

By Rayben2006

I am a mother of three and currently a psychology major at the university of phoenix. I enjoy my family and spending time with them. We like a lot of outdoor activities especially golf

In the shadows I shall stand
Wondering when you will take my hand
Watching life pass away
In this lonely existence I will forever stay
Wondering when you will be free
Wondering I f you really love me
Under the willow I will remain
Until you take charge, and change my name.

By Katyaini Ranjan Choudhary

Even if I'm fifteen, I never felt a sudden desperation to be loved by someone. Everyday I face the same problems: abusive parents who never understand anything, study stress, the memories of my beloved pet Peter and the same friendless life but one day, it suddenly got too hard to stand and I felt a need to share my true self with someone. I went to my writing desk and this poem came out along with the tears of frustration.

I've never told anyone
But I feel somewhat lone
I need the special someone
To help me when I moan
To wipe away my tears
Fend off my fears
to hold my hand
while on a distant land
Kiss me when I cry
Help me when I try
Talk to me for whole nights
When I go through a fright
Support me to my goal
Make my broken heart whole
keep a hand on my shoulders
while crossing a boulder
clutch to me for support
when on a shaky boat
talk to me when depressed
help me taking off his stress
We'll walk together till eternity
of that, I have certainty
I know I'll love him forever
The one who has loved me since ever
The one
The Special Someone

By Samantha

...what kind of guy do I want well...looking for a guy that will love me for me... please..

I'm looking for a guy
that will love me for me
that won't change me and will respect me
someone who will never break my heart
and will always be there for me
a guy that is cool with me holding his hand
next to his boys
and won't be afraid of talking about ME
to his friends about how much he really loves me

By Matt Mcholland

I wrote this poem to encourage myself, to raise my self-esteem. Love is patience and I know that there is a love one for every singe individual in this world.

Seeking for a gentle heart
And visioning a living paradise
A single sacrifice
Burst myself apart
Like crystals
Raining down the sky
Thus causing to collide

But I know you are there
Revolving with the air
Solitary wanderer,
Come to see the glare
My light will make you stare

Waiting patiently I am
As mourning swiftly immures
My life, my soul, my virgin heart

But I know you are there
Revolving with the air
Solitary wanderer,
Come to see the glare
My light will make you stare

Though a devastating shadow
Haunts me all the time
My day will ultimately arrive
And I will sway myself to love, and live and die

It is time for me to laugh and finally surpass
Concerns that only strained my life

Solitary Wanderer,
Come and see the glare
My light will make you stare
And I will no longer be there
Living in despair

By David L Yearwood

Many times, in our search for that special one, our search is so intense, we look every where and the person is there ''under our nose'' we don't realize this until we get pleasantly surprised!

You are out there, I'm here without you,
I know, you've seen me, time and time again.
I guess you don't know I'm the one for you,
Come to my garden, relax, smell the roses.

Darling, I've been waiting for you,
Dreaming that our paths, would come together.
look, open your heart and soul.
I'm the one, right here for you.

So true, so clear, I've finally found you.
my love is true and pure, just for you.
Open the door to your heart,
let me in, I've been waiting for you.

My dream has come true,
My peace is within.
My endless love is for you,
My love, I will say, I've come to get you!

By Bethany Suckrow

Recent past eclipses healthy memories,
those days when your smile and skin glowed happy,
what do we remember from before?
all of us were young and unaware of a soon and threatening after,
of a life later,
when the living room is empty of you,
when sad, silent objects sit in your void.

Tears come, a slow tide of grief in the dark,
or in a swell surrounded by a sea of strangers,
an angry rock of grief grows in my throat as I flee
to bathroom, closet, closed door.
I drive apologetic and repentant all the way to work each morning,
all the way home at night, mascara running along the road with me.

And when I think that faith has failed me,
"Take a deep breath," you say.
The sun glows bright against glistening pavement,
a sparrow flies fast and free above me,

I breathe.

"Until I see you again,"
I whisper,
"Beatific, wholly holy, alive and well."

By David L Yearwood

Soon, I'll feel your warm and loving touch, the softness of your lips will fall upon my face, I just know that Someday Soon, You and I will be together.

Someday soon, I'll feel the softness of your skin.
I'll see your beautiful eyes, and your sweet smile.
The sound of your voice, will be the music to my ears,
as will your words, I long to hear.

Someday soon, I'll smell your sweet perfume,
You really will be here... It won't be just a dream...
I can't wait for that day,
To open my heart to you...

Soon, I'll feel your warm and loving touch,
the softness of your lips will fall upon my face,
I just know that Someday Soon,
You and I will be together.

Love always, forever my love!

By Anastasia Gackenheimer

This poem is about missing someone so deeply and wanting to give up but still hopelessly holding on. To have loved someone so deeply and honestly.

Blue, lost in thoughts of you as tears are never ending.
Losing faith of what we used to be..
Tell me it will be ok tonight.
I felt your hand slipping away and it scared me.
Make me feel safe again so I don't hit rock bottom.
Don't want to go back home but your all I've ever known.
Find myself right back where I started.
Hurting so deep it cuts me to the bone.
We were a beautiful mess but I loved every minute of it.

By Ankush Mahajan

I like one of my friend as she use to care for me a lot. Eventually I start feeling something for her in my heart without knowing whether it was love or something else. So one fine day I proposed her and she didn't reply anything. This is when I wrote a poem dedicated to her expressing my feelings at every step or stage of my love.


She is neither my girlfriend, nor my life
But she is the only one whose company I always like

Be it I am enjoying, be it I am in tension
She knows everything and I need not to mention

She cares and scolds me like a teacher
And so protects me from future disaster

Whenever I go wrong, she tries to make it right
And sometimes we do have a cute fight

She always does right with all and expects the same
And when people don’t reciprocate she finds herself in vain

Sometimes she is naughty, but always caring
Sometimes she lets the things go but have lots of daring

She is just like a girl next door
Who wants love all around and nothing more

If you get a chance to talk to her once
You won’t forget her charisma for months

And finally let me tell you she is very good friend of mine
Whom I never want to lose in my life down the line


She is always welcomed in my heart's door
I don't know, its just friendship or something more

Whatever it is, I just want to give her my best
And there is GOD to take care for rest

I wish she would become mine forever
I would give all my love to her and hurt her never

When she would understand my feelings and become mine
Then we will celebrate candle lit dine with music and wine

I don’t want my decision on her to be superimposing
But that’s my idiotic way of proposing

I am eagerly waiting for her answer
Until she replies, my heart is beating like a dancer

Even if she reply with no
I won’t let the love in my heart to go


Although she reply neither with no nor with yes
Still she is good friend of mine so pain is less

I wish her all the very best in her future life
And may she become the world’s luckiest wife

I pray to GOD to fulfill all her heart’s desire
And always protects her from the human vampires

Whenever I had hurt her, may she forget
I wish, because of me, her eyes should never get wet

I don’t mind, if she won’t talk to me for months
But in case of any problem, she should tell me at least once

I hope she will understand me
Her friendship is my success key

She is the drug that keeps me alive
And gives me strength to control my life’s ride

These is some magic in her smile
That melts away my tension’s pile

So that was Ankush’s little cute story
With lots of emotions and less of glory

By Greg H.

I wrote this about a girl that I know who, at times, makes me feel that she likes me for more than just a friend. Just at the moment when I get the courage to let her know that I feel the same way, I chicken out and don't show my true feelings. One day...maybe.

There are days when I feel so lonely. There are days when I'm afraid.
I want to tell you that I love you only, will you care about what I have to say?

There are nights when I wonder, who it is that has your attention.
The craving to see you is more than a hunger, but I lack the courage to walk up to you and mention, that my love for you drives me insane.

But, alas, today I have decided that I will share my feelings with you.
I will simply pour out my heart.
Will you embrace me and kiss me and tell me that you love me?
Or will my words push us further apart?

But then again, what if my words cause us to be distant
what if they make you not view me the same
how I am supposed to picture us together forever
when I'm not able to live with that pain?

So I guess I'll just go on pretending
that it's best to simply be "friends"
that's better than us completely ending
then again...


Frustrating dreams always get the best of me. Many of you will know when there's that one person the sun always seems to shine around, that one person whose smile makes you want to fly, that one person who you love to talk to and about even if it's pointless stories and that one person you associate with the most powerful phrase in the English language ''I Love You''

Oblivious to what could be
Your eyes will never gaze upon me
I will never be close to you
Or cry on your shoulder when feeling blue
I wait everyday for you to see
That we could live so happily
I’ve tried too long to sculpt your heart
I have played too much of my part
If only I could open your eyes
Look upon to a world of skies
A world where loving comes at no fee
A world of life and true beauty
A world where I can lie in your arms
Be kissed by you and then we’d dance
A world where rainbows are painted on skies
A world where no one knows such lies
My longing destination of a dream
A world with such a loving theme
But such world is only fantasy
Open up your eyes and see


It's about a girl who is falling in love with her male friend, the things they do and his words says the guy feels the same way but his action says something else. so the girl is so confused she wants clarity from this guy

It draws me close to your heart
Creates picture which makes no sense
All I know is………..
Your smile brought confirmation of lifetime

You are a friend …
And your friendship takes me to a different world
Of harmony and love
Where your smile confirms it all

I look deep in my heart , searching my soul
Trying to figure out, how did I get here?
Is it safe to be here?

I ponder my emotions , frustrating my soul
Trying to figure out what's in my head than what's in my heart
Once again your smile confirms it

Your actions says something else
But your smile confirms life time
Only if I could read your mind
If only you could stop smiling
As your smile confirms life time ………


this poem is about a girl who's falling in love for the second time after her heartbreaking first breakup. It describes how she feels regarding her second step in love and her fear that whether it would turn up like her first love mishap.

I'd closed my heart and told myself ''not to love'',
you knocked the door and I opened it up,
I didn't know what to think or do,
I just knew that I want to be with you.

Scared that someone might hurt me again,
promise me of his love and then leave me in pain,
even then I let you in my life,
to love you till the end of my life.

I always had a dream in mind,
to be loved and to love someone,
I've fallen once in this crime,
but I don't wanna fail this time.

People don't know how much it hurts,
to lose a person you were with,
to lose all your dreams and your hopes,
to realize one day your love was a myth.

So now again ''I am in love'',
to be with you when you've none,
but just remember my plea......
you make me alive,
you make me, me...
I've loved you with all my heart,
from this serene dream, I never wanna part,
never ever say that you'll leave me again,
coz without you I am reminded of the desolate fall;
and without you, I am nothing;
Nothing At All.........