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I wrote this for my lover, as it is apparent in this poem. It is about the tribulations and good moments that follow in a relationship. I describe how we used to dream, and still do, about our future together.

Oh, How We Fly!

© Mette

Oh, how we fly!
Our dreams so high!
Whispered in passion,
Promises that ashen.

But we try.
Oh, how we try!
After all it's love,
That we're most proud of

And we've cried.
Oh, yes, we've cried!
Such miserable memory
To be overcome by we

And we've feared.
Oh, the fears we feared!
Reckless affection
Brings a deadly affliction.

And we've loved.
How strongly we loved!
Secret desires,
Burn a lustful pyre.

And we hope.
Oh, how we hope!
Together someday
No love to decay


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Published: August 2011

Rating: 4