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The First Time, I set my eyes on you, Was the day I knew we were to be.

The First Time!

© David Yearwood

The day I set my eyes on you,
Was the day I knew, we were to be,
It would be you, who entered my life
That day, we started our journey of love,

Seeing your smile, feeling your touch,
draws me closer and closer to you.
Knowing you care, being in your dreams,
is our story of love, that's written in stone,

As days go by, my nights are sad,
I knew I needed you, now and for ever,
It's thinking about you, I love to do,
It's dreaming about you, the thing I must do,

So, I'm going to continue, with emotion and hope,
showing you love, is all I can do.
Hoping one day, our love will carry through,
as far as we can go, to the stars above!


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Published: July 2013

Rating: 3.8