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when I wrote this poem I was think about what my friend had asked earlier that day. She had asked me "What is Love?" I wanted to answer her, but I could not explain in word of mouth so I wrote this for her. The day I was going to show her was the day I found out she had past away during a shooting. Her name was Samantha Meerbott and this poem is dedicated to her.

What Is Love?

© Donna Lewis

Love is a gentle touch
with a hint of passion and
a soft sprinkle of lust.
Love is trust.
Love is holding hands ever so gently
under the moonlight.
Love is trust.
Love is staring so intently into
your lover's eyes with the feeling that
it is so right.
Love is a sweet walk in
the park with that special someone.
Love is pain, pleasure, and
everything in between.
Love is trust.
Love is loving and caring for that
certain someone in a very special way.
Love is remembering how
sweet they are.
Love is the peace and joy you feel
when you are with
the one you love dearly.


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 4.14