Love Life Poems Logo

Sometimes, the way you feel, the feelings you have are so strong, you can't help but telling the world!

My Need For You!

© David Yearwood

You look into my eyes, you've touch my soul.
sweet smiles you bring, across my face.
Deep in my heart, I'm lonely for you,
I've found new hope, we'll never part.

I’m giving my heart, don’t break in two,
I feel you much, so sweet with me
When I talk to you, your love makes me cry,
I've never felt this way, with you, I've tried.

Sweet feelings for you come every day,
they make me smile, day by day.
I hate being away, but life will be,
When I'm close to you, I'm hot all over.

I can't help, but want you, to cool my fire.
I can’t say many words, for you to see,
My feelings for you are true, I know.
I hope you understand, what I'm trying to say!


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Published: August 2011

Rating: 4