Love Life Poems Logo

This poem is about my ex-girlfriend. This is my first poem. So I don''t think this is a good poem. But I think I did my best.


© Shanike Priyananda

Every moment I spent with you
Was like a beautiful dream come true
It was the best dream I ever saw
More colorful than a rainbow
Your pretty voice is echoing in my ear
The splendid sound I ever hear
No Nightingale's song
Can compare to your glamorous tone
Those alighting brown eyes
As bright as twinkling stars in the sky
I always wanted to hold your hand
Between my arms close to my heart
My wish was to hug you hard
And listen to the beat of your heart

I can still feel your smell
The wonderful charming spell
You taught me about love
Your love made my life alive
Whenever I see your face
My whole heart fills with grace
My life was like a dark cold night
You were the only luminaire warming light
My dream was to see your smile
And walk with you all over this glorious isle
You were the queen of my dream worlds
I don't know how to explain my feelings in words
But, when you leave me alone with the feeling of spleen
I could realize that was just a daydream...............


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Published: May 2018

Rating: 4.42