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This poem is for the one you love when you finally get to see them after a long period of time

When I See You Again

© Sterling Seitz

When I see you again, it will be like seeing the most beautiful sunrise and the brightest star on the clearest night.

When I see you again, my heart will be filled with love as It was the day you left, never missing a beat growing stronger every passing day.

When I see you again, time will have seemed to stop, thinking only of the future and what it holds.

When I see you again, it can't come soon enough for it seems like forever.

When I see you again, I will spend the rest of my life making you happier than you've ever been, so I never have to not see you again!


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Published: December 2016

Rating: 4.24

Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.

John Keats

A love song is just a caress set to music.

Sigmund Romberg