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This I wrote for a very special girl. She has been in my life for two and a half years, and over that time we grew very close, but things died down over the past year. I have all these things I want to say to her, but because I care so much for what we have, I tend to keep things bottled inside of me because I don't want to lose her. She is the most amazing girl in the world. If only she knew.

What I Think But Can Not Say

© Brian Sides

When I see you,
I see a girl so amazing I can't help but stare.
When I see you,
I see the one who will listen and show that she cares.

When I see you,
I see perpetual beauty that can't be outdone.
When I see you,
I see a woman who won't stop until she has won.

When I see you,
I see The essence of glory sent down from above.
When I see you,
I see the meaning of life and the meaning of love.

When I see you,
I see all that is real and what I know to be true.
When I see you,
I see the girl of my dreams and you know I mean you!


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 4.08