Love Life Poems Logo

Ever since grade 4 I had a huge crush on a guy in my class. In grade 7 I fell madly in love with him. During high school we dated but broke up because he was moving to America. After many years we met at our school reunion and starting dating again. We are now getting married which inspired me to right a poem about what love really is and what it means.


© Micaela Du Plessis

Love is an emotion like no other
To show devotion to one another
It shows a loved one no fear
Even though you know there is a tear
Love is like a river flowingly happy
Takes your breath away like a mint, not a Chappie
Love is unconditional
Love is something you can't deny
It can make you laugh, sing and cry
Love shows no fear
It is everywhere, far and near
Love is something you share with one another
Even though you can't be each other
Love is a dream
Almost like ice-cream
What I'm trying to say is I LOVE YOU DEAR
There I said it, without any fear
I hope you like this poem I wrote
Cos it's just for you with devotion and hope


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 4.08