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Anniversary and thank you poem from a man to his wife

To My Love, Thank You

© JN Ridout

It’s been years since they day we met,
And somehow you still love me yet.
With all of my flaws and I have a few..
Sometimes I am battered and feeling blue.

From time to time the beauty escapes me,
And it’s dark and ugly in the mirror that I see..
When sun is gone and only clouds remain,
I turn and see you next to me..

Sometime I simply cannot understand,
Why you stay and continue holding my hand.
Touching my heart and lighting my clouds
Shinning the silver lining, the bright in the dark sky.
Blowing them away, I can always count on you..

You are my pillar, my roof and foundation too,
And even though I hardly say it anymore, I always think it.
Wishing we were never apart, I dream it.
Hoping and praying that somehow I’ll find..

A way to make you happy,
Appreciate and not make you fall apart.
To show you that you are the best a wife can be
I hope I can show you, you when I look and see.
Woman, you are incredible and amazing beyond words can express.
All I can say is thank you, thank you for staying still,
Thank you for loving me and thank you for taking care of our little love nest..


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Published: November 2016

Rating: 4.57