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This is to my awesome boyfriend who used to have a really bad rep. but when I met him something changed.

They Call You Heartbreaker

© Gabrielle

They call you Heartbreaker,
But I don't think your that bad,
Your reputation is horrid,
Your love is sad,
You gave me your word,
You gave me your soul,
My love for you soars,
So why do they call you ''heartbreaker'',
Why do they tell me to run,
I think the reason you gave it all up,
Is because I am the only one,
I am the only one that doesn't listen to my friends who tell me to run,
They tell me to never say I love you too,
But I don't listen,
And neither should you,
Because you were made for me,
And I was made for you.


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Published: January 2013

Rating: 3.59