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My first and only love married 30 yrs. I still remember like it was yesterday At 62, trying to believe again that love can exist while you grow old and alone. Should you take a chance? Knowing the true love was once in a life time. God has a plan

The Touch Of Love

© Pamela D

To look in one's. Eyes that brings warmth that flows thru your body like a warm bath. Gentle sunshine on your skin
That gentle kiss as if you are breathing as one,
Wrapped in your arms feeling safe from the world
Passion flows thru your veins your desire to embrace every moment,
never forgetting that first time he kissed you do gentle yet with purpose.

Knowing, believing, you are the one God sent to me
A gentle touch on my face,
fingers softly shaping my lips before that kiss.
A longing to share your body with mine
You wait for years for such a thing that you dream of and so rare to find.
But, once you find it you know it
You cherish ever moment.
Thru the laughter and tears.

And, the years go by 20 years now
and your heart feels the same as when you first passed each other that one night.

The love making still as electric as like the first time.
Tantra breathing in ones heart and soul.

I hope that you will feel this way once in your life.
For it is rare to have a love so enchanting that takes your breath away.
Yet stays with you in every moment you wake and breath the sweet summer air.

Love, cherish, be as one it is the spirit of love..

You have been gone for years now
but, my love has never ceased the warmth of your touch.
The passion of your kisses.
Until we meet again my love


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Published: May 2018

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