Love Life Poems Logo

This poem is about someone I loved dearly. but as we all know things come to an end sometimes. and it did but that's ok life goes on....

The One I Love

© Heather Simcox

My love I watch you as you lay sleeping, the stillness of your body
as it drifts off to that deep sleep.
And I look and wonder is he thinking of me, or is he having a
sweet dream.
Or is he saying my darling the one I love my love for you is more
pure and innocent than a beautiful white dove.
As I continue to watch I see the flickering of your eyes, I watch you move
and then you take a deep sigh.
Then is when I know you are sleeping soundly.
There is no movement, no sound, no flickering, no sigh.
And I look at you my darling and say I love you and good night.........


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Published: November 2010

Rating: 3.66