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This poem was motivated by my parents love and marriage. No matter what they went through in the past 21 years their marriage vows kept them together and only death separated them,

The Beauty Of Internal Marriage

© Amanda Madyosi

The beauty of internal marriage
It's sealed by love
Wrapped by happiness and peace
Obstacles may come still
it will stay strong like an iron,
sweet as honey

the beauty about it
no amount of lies can break it
it's build from a proper foundation
shaded by honesty
watered by Hope and Faith

the joys of internal marriage
it’s a journey of an Apostil
it’s like a merry go around
sometimes it’s up and sometimes it’s down
it bears fruits of life
the real beauty of internal marriage
it's lead by God filled with love
favored by few
hated by many

the beauty of internal marriage


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Published: December 2011

Rating: 4.28