Love Life Poems Logo

This poem was inspired from a very very special person in my life that was never to be on my side of things ....hope you enjoy it as much as I do every time I read it it brings me right back to the time I felt that way ...time is a great healer !!!

Tell Me Have You Ever ...

© Karl

Tell me have you ever ..... falling for someone
that one forbidden piece of love .. you know is oh so wrong ,

Tell me have you ever ..... cried alone at night
thinking of how you'll work it out and thing's will be just right

Tell me have you ever ..... sat and wondered why
some people in your lifetime just make you wanna cry

Tell me have you ever ..... felt this inner pain
it makes you wanna never ever fall in love again

Just one more thing to tell me .. because your truth I can depend
will I ever find my one true love or just another friend .......


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 3.75