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I wrote this poem when I was up in the morning. I hope you like it.

Take Up That Courage You Have

© Jason Lavallee

Take up that courage you have
if you know the story of courage
journey to a truth
you never had,
see the light and the dark
see heaven and earth
and find the courage to rise higher
know you're going to see seasons
with trees, flowers, and creatures
and know this is your blessing
when you can see life,
and be roses amongst life
while you are knowing living is better than dying
and you can believe life is page of color
so look at all life's beautiful colors
what do you see,
hasn't it been fun to love rather than suffer
and see life is like a painted canvas
made by life's art,
and life's an inspiring heart,
so while you continue to cross life's richness
know you're an eyewitness.


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Published: May 2011

Rating: 4