Love Life Poems Logo

I wrote this poem when I was in high school and first fell in love. This poems was written for the man I have called my high school sweetheart, best friend, and husband for 10 yrs now.


© Rennee Ritchie

We’re surrounded by candles. The only noise we can hear is the wind and that sounds like Angels singing to us.
Then you gracefully and slowly lean towards me. I lean towards you. Are lips meet....your kiss whispers a thousand words. You slowly ands romantically run your hands along my body. Surprisingly I am not nervous. I am actually very calm.
Not a thought on my mind. Nothing but you. As we slowly fall to the bed. I wish this night would never end. Just you holding me closely. I close my eyes. All I see is you and me in the future. Still holding each other, not wanting to ever let go. Not willing to.
Then all of a sudden I opened my eyes. Your no longer holding me. Your no longer with me. I am alone in my room. Alone in my bed. It all was a dream? But how? It was so real! I felt you right next to me. I close my eyes quickly hoping when I opened them you’ll be there. As I open them it’s just me alone in my bed.
Why do dreams have to be so perfect? So real? Why do dreams have to be so painful when you come back to reality?
There is nothing to do now but fall back to sleep and have a more realistic dream?


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Published: February 2011

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