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The poem is an ode to the passion of young lovers. Perhaps the subjects are lifelong partners OR fiery new acquaintances...that's for you to decide. There is a true and visceral beauty to be found in the fire that smolders behind "the swiftly shuttered screen" at night, when the world beyond temporarily loses all value in the minds of the twisting figures on the floor.

Simple Things

© C.E. Mckee

Fairy wings
Dragon teeth
Fire in the lungs
Simple things
Lie beneath
The embers on the tongue

Rolling heavy
On the floor
Burning in between
Pushing steady
Close the door—
The swiftly shuttered screen

Heave your breath
Flick your tongue
Light me from within
Simple things
Lie beneath
The quiet at the end.


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Published: February 2011

Rating: 3.89