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Words from a man, for when a woman wonders what he's thinking when they hang up.

Our Phones

© Scoots Ramirez

"When you text me, I can't seem to open the text fast enough to read it.
When you call me, I fumble my phone in a rush to answer.
When I talk to you on the phone, I want to reach through and caress your beautiful face.
When there's silence on the phone, I want your phone to be my lips kissing your ear.
When you speak, the rest of the World is silent to me.
When we hang up, I stare at your name on my phone and I smile.
So before I close my eyes to begin my sweet dreams of you, I hold my phone close to my heart, and hope that all my love for you will keep us connected."


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Published: January 2012

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We two form a multitude

- Ovid

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

- Aristotle