Love Life Poems Logo

The desire for the one you love can be very high at times, letting those desires be known can only add strength to the relationship, while showing how much you care and want to be with that special person

My Desire For You!

© David Yearwood

I desire you when, morning light appears,
and the dew lazily joins the morning sky.
All the birds begin to mate and sing,
I want your kiss as you lay quietly.

I desire you when the sun enters the sky
And morning light, softly appears.
When butterflies dance among petals white,
I want the softness of your skin and delight.

I desire you as the moon welcomes night
And skies are flooded with twinkling stars.
When candles flicker their sensual light,
I then want to feel your sensuous touch.

I desire you when passion moves my soul,
and your lovely face shines bright and clear.
When your moist lips touch mine, with love’s desire,
I want to feel every pulse of your heart..

I desire you, when I see your sexy body,
and the moon light gives way to morning light.
When you lay there with the sun shining in,
I want to feel your skin, up against mine..

I desire you at every moment in time,
as years to come are like sand on the beach.
I want you so much, as my days become night,
my desires will last like the heavens above!


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Published: February 2012

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