Love Life Poems Logo

A poem about two lovers meant to be together forever as soul mates!

Love Will Forever Last

© Justin Emerson

I dream of a woman clothed in white.
She wears wings that shine with golden light.
Her hair is fine like that of an olden wife.
Her eyes hold a vision of the road of life.
She whispers love through the winds.
Then rivers of love flow to my heart and my spirit ascends.
I grow embraced by heavenly heights.
Then glow rays of warmth and light.
I long only for her touch of the purest.
I fall to her holding of love, of spirit!
We become one in loving presence together.
In love we come to heaven forever.
Like two doves we sing and dance.
Love of a queen and king.
Love will forever last!


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Published: December 2016

Rating: 4.17