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Loving you is all I can do, body, soul and heart, is this the way you want to be loved?

I'm Loving You!

© David Yearwood

Today you told me you're falling in love with me,
or, was it your extra heart beats I felt, while kissing you?
it was all over me, opening the doors to my heart,
Awaiting your entry, with sweet delight

I felt your touch in the corners of my heart,
trusting you, is all I want to do.
but, is this your way of giving me your love?
and the way you want to be loved?

whilst I kissed you, from lips to toes,
your soft body felt like a winter rose.
Oh so soft, as one can be,
Your softness I feel, I've got to love you now!


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Published: September 2012

Rating: 3.43