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I know this poem isn't very good. I hope no one's angry with me for even submitting it... but... I just wanted to try. This Is a poem about how for some people... Like me... Trust is only a mistake yet to be made. When we finally spend years, trying to learn to trust someone or something... they let us down... and leave. Then we just go around trying to find someone else worthy of trust... Because we can't do this alone.

I Gave You My Heart

© Forsythia

I Trusted you with my heart.
I gave it to you in a box
With a bow.
You took it.
And used it.
Then... You gave it back to me,
Beaten and bruised,
Worn and broken.
You stole from me
Everything I needed.
You were a light to me,
but you faded away,
And left it so dark
I thought I was-
It's raining now.
Is that just my tears?
I sit here in the darkness
With my bruised heart,
Wet and blind.
Waiting for another light.
Hoping it will heal my broken heart.
Hoping it will let me see.


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Published: January 2011

Rating: 4.14

We two form a multitude

- Ovid

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

- Aristotle