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This is a poem about trying to keep it together when it seems like things are breaking apart between you two when you loved him so deeply and it seems like goodbye. The eternal suffering of love

Holding On

© Anastasia Gackenheimer

Hold your breath try to forget the way he would smell and the way he would touch your arm like that.

Brings you back to old memories you thought you left behind in the past.

Words on paper don't define how he crawled into your heart and turned your world upside down.

You thought the pieces were mended but now their upended like books tossed from a shelf in a rage.

He still makes you weak in the knees with these old memories that seem to stay forevermore.

The fact is it seems like he never left, because you see him everywhere you go like a ghost that will never leave you alone.


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Published: October 2016

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