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I was just 10 when I met her in school, we had good times before we parted ways at 13 only to meet again now that we are 18. It only amazes me that I have loved her from the young age of 10.

Good Times

© Gbolahan

It's been a while now, how time flies
we enjoyed every bit in our world of lies
we were close friends but were always fighting
enjoyed our darkest night with no care for lighting
we seem so close but yet far apart
we were kids who grew up breaking each other's heart
playing with our emotions like a piece of cake
we made each other cry even if the tears were fake
staring at each other giving ourselves a wink
no matter how wide seems the distance we still could make a link
at points where you suffered denial
I was keen at you giving it a trial
you were always laughing I wondered what was funny
even when we sat for exams your deeds were just cunning
it was this sweet before people started talking
mistaking handshake for a close hugging
they wanted more than what we were sharing
causing confusion in our setting
we had good times it lingers forever...


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Published: October 2016

Rating: 3.71