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I wrote this poem to my babe, she lives 1000 miles away, hope you like it

Dead In Love With You

© Ahmed Elmasry

I never felt this way before
For someone I really adore
No matter what I get from you
My passion won’t vanish anymore
Your curves are just a masterpiece
For which I give my life and more
Your smile just shines up my day
When nothing goes the right way
All I need is just to embrace
My babe with the pretty face
Just a sip of your pink lips
While my arms around your hips
Want to feel your body shiver
Your heart jumping off your chest
Want to smell your gorgeous scent
Kiss you in each and every inch

So please babe don’t be blue
Promise you; I’ll be with you
And all fantasies will be true
By the moment I embrace you
When I see you once again
Your quiescent senses will get blown
And as we pass along the way
My hug will always be for you
Because I am dead in love with you


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Published: April 2011

Rating: 4.05