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I wrote this poem for my loving Husband, CJ, for Valentines Day, and I think it says it all.


© April Quinlan

Our souls were one when time began.
When God was busy creating both earth and man.

Then came the day He tore us apart,
Forever making us, each others, “split apart”.

He chiseled your name upon my heart,
Before sending us down for our lives to start.

Years would go by and the hour grow late,
Destiny beaconed and called upon fate.

Life came full circle for our two souls to meet.
We take not for granted this miraculous feat.

For God had a plan at the beginning of time,
That would bring our hearts together rejoining your soul and mine.

Once what was one, was made into two.
I know in my heart, I’m not complete without you.

Now what was made two, has again become one.
Just as we were even before time begun.

--April M. Quinlan
Happy Valentines Day CJ
February 2011


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