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I wrote this poem after my wife and I split up. I was lying in bed and it just came to me. I sat there and wondered if I should get up and write what I was feeling. As you can see, I did. I'm not much of a writer, but anyone who has lost the person they love or had a broken heart can hopefully identify with what I've written.


© Corey Harrington

You are miles away yet you are here. Memories of you linger everywhere and stir within my mind. A smell...a sound...a taste. You haunt my dreams but I do not want to wake.

I awake and it is cold. Emptiness looms, yet I push it away and go forward. I turn on the light yet it is dark. I yearn for the past and dread the future. My soul is now a ghost and my hopes are shards, fragments of what they once were. There is a bigger picture but I do not choose to see it.

My chin held high, I walk with confidence, yet the foundation is weak and broken. It will again be strong and whole, of that there is no doubt, but the road is long and charged with strife. A long journey will ensue.

I take a deep breath and one step forward. The journey has begun. My heart beckons me to turn back, but my mind will not allow it. I plant my feet firmly on the ground and slowly forge ahead...


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Published: November 2010

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We two form a multitude

- Ovid

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

- Aristotle